About Us

ConservFirst was born out of the need by consumers wanting access to:
- readily available, state-of-the-art building and conservation products
- building energy evaluation services based on building science
- education and training programs

Since 1979 we have:
-Provided energy educational programs in energy usage and conservation;
-Presented seminars and workshops on passive and active solar energy design and energy efficient construction;
-Provided technical support, training, and sales of many state-of-the-art products;
-Conducted over 400 energy audits of residential and commercial buildings;
-Conducted blower door testing on over 300 residential buildings;
-Managed research programs for lowering energy costs;
-Developed computer simulations that show implications of various energy conservation choices for residential and commercial buildings;
-Installed various types of energy efficient building products, along with rainwater and graywater harvesting systems on residential and commercial projects.

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